May 28, 2024

Student Announcements


Today’s Lunch: Buffalo Chicken Bites or Pizza Calzone

There are no birthdays today.

Word of the Day:

Thunderbird: A legendary bird in Native American mythology, believed to cause thunder and lightning. Students in Michigan often hear tales of the Thunderbird, a powerful and mystical creature of the skies.

Students: The last day for bringing backpacks to school is June 3rd.

On Thursday, May 30th, there will be a track party at the Brentwood.  Bring $5 and your clean uniform.  If you will not be attending or not participating in Mega Stars, please bring your clean uniform to Mrs. Anger's room (Rm 207). There is no track practice tonight.

If you are not riding the bus home from Cedar Point you must have your permission slip turned into the office by tomorrow. See Mrs. Hessling with questions. 

Attention 6th/7th grade girls: There are volleyball sign ups in the office for next year. 

There is a sign up for Cheer Club for all students in the office.

After School Study will be in Ms. Shauger’s room 102 at 3:25 tonight. 

Have a great day Caro Middle School!!