Student Annoucements
Today’s Lunch: Savory Chicken Bites or Pizza Crunchers
Happy Birthday to Jayden Campbell, Colton Warden and Melina Vanderpool!
Word of the Day:
Mishipeshu: A legendary underwater panther from Ojibwa mythology believed to inhabit the Great Lakes region. Mrs. Deering shared stories of Mishipeshu, the mythical creature said to guard the sacred waters of Lake Superior..
Students: The last day for bringing backpacks to school is June 3rd.
Track students will be dismissed at 1:45 if they are participating today. Good Luck!
Attention 6th/7th grade girls: There are volleyball sign ups in the office for next year.
There is information in the office for the Caro Basketball skills summer camp.
There is a sign up for Cheer Club for all students in the office.
8th grade boys who plan to play basketball next year will meet with Coach Lester on May 28th in the middle school cafeteria at 9 AM.
Have a great day Caro Middle School!!